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Girl Child Education

Girl Education

Education is everybody’s right. No girl, however poor, however desperate her country’s situation, is to be excluded from school (UNICEF).

Education saves and improves the lives of girls and women, ultimately leading to more equitable development, stronger families, better services, better child health.

A positive spiral

Educating girls has a wide-ranging impact on society and human development. Long-term benefits include:

  • Economic development.
    Decades of research have found an important link between the expansion of basic education and economic development. Girls’ education has an even more positive effect.
  • Education for the next generation.
    Educated girls who become mothers are more likely to send their children to school, passing on and multiplying benefits.
  • The multiplier effect.
    Education has a positive influence in a child’s life from health to protection from HIV/AIDS, exploitative labour and trafficking.
  • Healthier families.
    When mothers are educated their children are better nourished and get sick less often.
  • Fewer maternal deaths.
    Women who have been educated are less likely to die during childbirth because they tend to have fewer children, better knowledge of health services during pregnancy and birth, and improved nutrition.

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At PGI, we believe that when women have the power to change the course of their own lives, they can change the course of their communities for the better.

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